Kamis, 26 Mei 2011

togetherness from Merapi

Sunday Morning YKPU a group of volunteers ready to trim the slope, they volunteered to help ease the burden on victims of eruption of Merapi. Although under the threat of Merapi, which at times can occur, they are still with a sense of Ikhlas and high spirit of togetherness that they hand in hand to establish Griya Merapi. They are sincere intention and purpose, just to help others and get a blessing from Allah, without rest, fatigue and danger. Team cohesiveness that they showed was incredible, the underlying by one goal is to help others and get the blessings of Allah SWT. Alhamdulillah though only a temporary dwelling, Griya Development Merapi is very beneficial for the citizens of the slopes of Merapi volcano as a refuge from the heat and rain. "Griya this trim enough to withstand wind and rain and can survive for 5 years," said Ma Sarwo field as the person in charge of this program. Griya trim is built upon cooperation between Al Azhar Care YKPU and Ummah.

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